Algorithmic price personalisation: everything you need to know
Using algorithms to tailor prices to consumers is more common than you think, and presents various legal challenges.
By Dr Son Tan Nguyen - 2 min readUsing algorithms to tailor prices to consumers is more common than you think, and presents various legal challenges.
By Dr Son Tan Nguyen - 2 min readHow have courts responded to climate-related administrative challenges and are there inherent constraints in running such cases?
By Anna Huggins - 1 min readAfter the Supreme Court’s practice note, find out the best practice for using generative AI in an ethical, compliant and effective way.
By Vicki McNamara - 2 min readAs attempts to end birthright citizenship are stymied in the United States, we examine the legal principle of “jus soli”, and how citizenship laws have…
By Cat Woods - 8 min readA Victorian woman, who relies on an assistance dog, is taking the ridesharing company to the Federal Court after drivers refused service more than thirty…
By Francisco Silva - 3 min readThe Judiciary and Parliament continue to clash on the latter’s power to punish which is vested exclusively with the courts.
By Emily Hammond - 2 min readThe High Court held a promisor need not engage in conduct encouraging reliance on that promise for it to be enforceable by a court.
By Darryl Browne - 2 min readThe Act represents a significant overhaul of Australia’s aged care system and introduces critical person-centred reforms.
By Arthur Koumoukelis and Ha Nguyen - 1 min readIf passed, the Bill will impose an obligation for companies to ‘disrupt’ and ‘prevent’ scams, and give consumers a right to sue.
By Martyn Taylor, Helen Taylor, Rajaee Rouhani, Dietrich Marquardt and Alyssya Warty-Hasan - 2 min readOverturning a decision in the NSWLEC, this decision has significant implications for public land acquisitions across the State.
By Alex Beale and Tom White - 2 min readGet around the main features of the Supreme Court Practice Note, including its prohibitions and the consequences of misuse.
By Elissa Baxter and Alex Haslam - 1 min readOur committees discuss automated decision-making in government and recent national security legislation, amongst other things.
By The Law Society Policy and Practice Department - 2 min readPrecedent-setting cases on the Federal Court’s appellate jurisdiction and ‘quotable purposes’ for luxury car tax applicability. By TASMAN ASH FLEMING.
By Tasman Ash Fleming - 1 min read